Political Economy of Popular Journalism on Comparative Perspective: An Analysis on Tabloidization in Brazil, India and South Africa
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Palabras clave

popular journalism
political economy of journalism

Cómo citar

Chagas, V. (2016). Political Economy of Popular Journalism on Comparative Perspective: An Analysis on Tabloidization in Brazil, India and South Africa. Brazilian Journalism Research, 12(1), 58–77. https://doi.org/10.25200/BJR.v12n1.2016.925


At the turn of the 1990s to the 2000s, a debate on an alleged "tabloidization" of the European press took academic research on journalism, especially since the works of Esser (1999) and Sparks & Tulloch (2000), which sought to conceptualize the term. The academic literature since then has dealt with the subject in different settings and contexts around the world (cf. PIONTEK, 2011; MOONEY, 2008; LIMA, 2009). In Brazil, however, there were few efforts in order to deepen the knowledge on tabloid genre. The main purpose of this article is to characterize the phenomenon as it appears in the Brazilian market, comparing the performance of tabloids to what authors like Wasserman (2010), Ogola & Rodny-Gumede (2014) and Ranganathan & Rodrigues (2010) have observed in countries like India and South Africa.

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