The journalistic utterance on Twitter
PDF (Português (Brasil))

Palabras clave

Journalistic language
Journalistic utterances
Journalistic tweets

Cómo citar

Teixeira, M. O. (2012). The journalistic utterance on Twitter. Brazilian Journalism Research, 8(1), 77–95.


This article aims to discuss the impact of the characteristics of the Twitter platform on the application of standard journalistic technique (TRAQUINA, 2008) during the creation and production of news releases as tweets and, at the same time, it seeks to identify their specifications regarding traditional journalistic utterances. Through the analysis of 134 tweets collected from newspaper profiles of Folha de S. Paulo, Zero Hora and Diário Popular, we have obtained indications that led us to confirm our central assumption. In other words, the hierarchical pattern and purpose that guide the creation of standard news, and therefore, the special language that characterizes traditional journalism, begin to give way to models that are more horizontal and interactive, that redesign the standard technique (based on the model of the Inverted Pyramid) and thus, modify journalistic writing - interfering in its discursive effects (GOMES, 2000).
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