The Extended Space of Public Opinion in the Context of Multi-Platform Journalism: From Speakers to Discursive Actors
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Palabras clave

Public opinion
Information flows
Discursive actors
Communication in act
Israel/Palestine conflict

Cómo citar

Caetano, K. E. (2015). The Extended Space of Public Opinion in the Context of Multi-Platform Journalism: From Speakers to Discursive Actors. Brazilian Journalism Research, 11(2), 204–221.


This paper has as its starting point the traditional condition of public opinion, especially its existence in the society of mass communication when assuming the role of legitimizing discourses of political protagonists – the government and media. This text aims to show it as an object built around the set of discursive conventions, and show the modifications it goes through in the context of current journalism; a multitude of voices being heard in the circulation of information spaces. The qualitative analysis focuses on opinions on the Israel / Palestine conflict taken from reader comments and Internet search applications based on tags between the period of June and September 2014. Among these changes are the needs to restructure its concept, to understand the challenge it represents to news organizations and to review the formal elaborations that sustain journalistic discourse.
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