Ethical Risks, Informers, Whistleblowers, Leaks and Clamor for Transparency
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Transformations in Journalism

Cómo citar

Christofoletti, R. (2016). Ethical Risks, Informers, Whistleblowers, Leaks and Clamor for Transparency. Brazilian Journalism Research, 12(2), 54–73.


Leaks and whistleblowers have been increasingly used for the production of large media coverage. Characters like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and informers of “Operation Car Wash” in Brazil have become not only useful for the process of transparency and accountability, but also signal traps to reporters and newsrooms. In this article, I present the concept of Ethical Risk and I list a number of its forms in contemporary journalistic production, driven by WikiLeaks, Panama Papers and transformations of democratic societies
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