Television journalism as a tool for public communication: a study of cases of violence against women in the newscast Bom Dia Goiás from Tv Anhanguera
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Comment citer

Ribeiro, F., & Mainieri, T. (2012). Television journalism as a tool for public communication: a study of cases of violence against women in the newscast Bom Dia Goiás from Tv Anhanguera. Brazilian Journalism Research, 8(2), 154–172.


This article discusses the social function of journalism, the scope and the credibility of TV journalism, as well as the possibility of its use as a tool for public communication. To this end, it is necessary to refer to details surrounding the deployment and development of TV journalism in Brazil and to conceptualize public communication and citizenship. Also, this study carries out an analysis of the channels that the individual uses to get information, mass communication characteristics and, above all, television and the need for the existence of public communication for citizenship. In addition, this article puts forward a content analysis of the TV news program Bom Dia Goiás - TV Anhanguera (an affiliate of Rede Globo in Goiás), outlining its approach and the type of information conveyed to the public about a serious social problem - violence against women.
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