Journalism in new clothes: considerations on the identity and professional practice based on Prêmio Imprensa Embratel
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Journalistic Field
Prêmio Imprensa Embratel
Professional Identity

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Faccin, M. J., & Ferreira, S. V. (2013). Journalism in new clothes: considerations on the identity and professional practice based on Prêmio Imprensa Embratel. Brazilian Journalism Research, 9(2), 166–183.


This article addresses some ideas about current journalistic practices and their consequent interventions in redefining the professional ethos of the business environment in the Brazilian press. As in other professions, the journalistic identity results from a network of social representations that, through a set of concepts, techniques and procedures, reproduces and is produced by everyday practices originated in their field. Among these practices are the awards granted to professionals. Certain awards have become so relevant that they are taken as benchmarks for good professional practice and, concomitantly, evidence of journalistic practice paradigms. This is the case of Prêmio Imprensa Embratel, chosen here as the object of study. The choice is guided not only by the sponsoring company, but also by its connection with the associations. With different aspects from the most traditional prize in the field, Prêmio Esso de Jornalismo, Prêmio Imprensa Embratel emphasizes the ramifications of the reportage practice, through the categories that do not concern solely on the content of the coverages, but also seek recognition as a kind of prize made by and for journalists.
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