From the Game to Dyanemic Galleries in the Hypermedia Journalistic Narrative: An Analysis of the Special "The Battle of Belo Monte”/ A Batalha de Belo Monte By Folha de S.Paulo
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Hypermedia Narrative
Cyber journalism
Folha de S.Paulo

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Colussi, J., & Magalhães Firmino, L. (2016). From the Game to Dyanemic Galleries in the Hypermedia Journalistic Narrative: An Analysis of the Special "The Battle of Belo Monte”/ A Batalha de Belo Monte By Folha de S.Paulo. Brazilian Journalism Research, 12(1), 176–193.


This article presents an analysis of the hypermedia narrative of the special news report Battle of Belo Monte, published in the Folha de S.Paulo website in December 2013. The objective of the study is to identify the elements used in the composition of the hypermedia narrative and to check the level of interactivity that it offers users. As for the methodology, we focus on web content analysis techniques, from which two categories are established: narrative elements and levels of interactivity. The results of the study indicate that the absence of links on the textual part limits the public’s path through the hypermedia narrative, which could be much more dynamic. Although a higher level of interactivity occurs with an informative game inserted in the first chapter of the special, the other interactivity options is selection, in which the user chooses whether or not to view videos and photo galleries.
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