Between a New Architecture and the Reaffirming of Hegemonic Power Structures: Veja’s Portal Coverage of the Establishment of BRICS (2005-2010)
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Foreign policy
Veja Portal
Discourse Analysis
South-South Coalition

Comment citer

Bomfim, I. (2016). Between a New Architecture and the Reaffirming of Hegemonic Power Structures: Veja’s Portal Coverage of the Establishment of BRICS (2005-2010). Brazilian Journalism Research, 12(1), 98–117.


Given the paradigm shift of the Brazilian Foreign Policy implemented in the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, this article analyzes the news coverage of the Veja portal in regards to the establishment of the BRICS group between the years 2005 and 2010. We understand the internal and external political spheres as imbricated, and the journalism that focuses on the external action of the state participates in this configuration by giving visibility to certain discourses. In order to achieve our goal we have combined the critical and the French discourse analysis.
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