Lula VS. Larry Rohter: Misconceptions in international coverage


Freedom of expression
Freedom of the press
Human Rights
Content analysis

Como Citar

Herckovitz, H. G. (2007). Lula VS. Larry Rohter: Misconceptions in international coverage. Brazilian Journalism Research, 3(1), 155–171.


This article discusses the confl ict between the New York Times foreign correspondent Larry Rohter and Brazil’s President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva over a story published by the American newspaper on May 9, 2004 accusing the President of being a drunkard. Larry Rohter’s piece was criticized for its lack of facts and of reliable sources, and for its ironic overtone. President Lula was criticized for cancelling the journalist’s visa, a measure later revoked because of public pressure. The case exemplifi es a well-know sequence of misconceptions and stereotypes from both sides (the world’s most prestigious newspaper and the president of the largest country in Latin America), which brings to light a much needed discussion on the quality of international news coverage, press freedom and social responsibility. This article also attempts to advance the discussion on how framing – second level agenda-setting —may infl uence how we think about foreign political leaders.

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