Journalism as Permanent and Collective Invention


Discourse order
professional order
enunciation level

Como Citar

Ringoot, R., & Ruellan, D. (2007). Journalism as Permanent and Collective Invention. Brazilian Journalism Research, 3(2), 67–76.


Thinking of journalism in new ways should be free of any form of essentialism. Journalism is a social reality which has been developed historically and is therefore evolutional; it is a permanent construction; journalism has been established over time, it transforms itself and already is no longer what it was and we cannot imagine what it will become. Journalism is also an area for multiple interactions which are necessarily complex; its perception cannot be reduced to those whom a process has appointed professional journalists; there are many other actors who are involved in producing information.

Os direitos autorais dos artigos publicados nesta revista são de propriedade dos autores, com direitos de primeira publicação para o periódico. Em virtude da aparecerem nesta revista de acesso público, os artigos são de uso gratuito, com atribuições próprias, para fins educacionais e não-comerciais.


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