Audiovisual Webjournalism: An analysis of news on UOL News and on TV UERJ Online


Internet Webjournalism
Audiovisual Narrative

Como Citar

Nogueira, L. (2008). Audiovisual Webjournalism: An analysis of news on UOL News and on TV UERJ Online. Brazilian Journalism Research, 4(1), 72–103.


This work shows the development of audiovisual webjournalism on the Brazilian Internet. This paper, based on the analysis of UOL News on UOL TV – pioneer format on commercial web television - and of UERJ Online TV – first on-line university television in Brazil - investigates the changes in the gathering, production and dissemination processes of audiovisual news when it starts to be transmitted through the web. Reflections of authors such as Herreros (2003), Manovich (2001) and Gosciola (2003) are used to discuss the construction of audiovisual narrative on the web. To comprehend the current changes in today’s webjournalism, we draw on the concepts developed by Fidler (1997); Bolter and Grusin (1998); Machado (2000); Mattos (2002) and Palacios (2003). We may conclude that the organization of narrative elements in cyberspace makes for the efficiency of journalistic messages, while establishing the basis of a particular language for audiovisual news on the Internet.

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