The paradigm of Antigone and Gacel Sayah: an approach to historical and contemporary ethical/moral dilemmas of journalism


ethical paradigms

Como Citar

Karam, F. J. C. (2009). The paradigm of Antigone and Gacel Sayah: an approach to historical and contemporary ethical/moral dilemmas of journalism. Brazilian Journalism Research, 5(2), 37–52.


This work intends to locate and to explore the complexities of some classical moral dilemmas in human history considering two paradigms as references: Antigone’s, created by Sophocles; and Gacel Sayah’s, created by Vázquez-Figueroa. The work situates both historical and contemporary dilemmas of journalism and points out examples furnished by professionals in activity and academic experts. At the same time, it relates immediate conflicts to particularities of journalistic activity – from the historical perspective of consolidation of values to the present scenario of professional journalism in both Cyberspace and the Information Society (in which ethics, techniques and aesthetics try to structure the perspective of moral convergence in order to support the activity and its social credibility and legitimacy).

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