A narração do fato: notas para uma teoria do acontecimento (Narration of the event: notes for a happening theory)

Como Citar

Nicolato, R. (2009). A narração do fato: notas para uma teoria do acontecimento (Narration of the event: notes for a happening theory). Brazilian Journalism Research, 5(2), 169–174. https://doi.org/10.25200/BJR.v5n2.2009.218


In this work Muniz Sodré bases his analysis on the principle that journalistic practice mobilizes different types of discourses, which have as their central point the production of news, the result of a liberaldemocratic strategy which has been in effect in the society for at least two centuries. The author avails himself of the thesis that although the concept of news makes use mainly of the principles of objectivity to support the imperative of supposed neutrality, the journalistic discourse is hindered by rhetorical and imaginative procedures which form the basis for construction of the event.

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