The Journalism Studies Network (REJ) experience: a French-language experiment in collaborative research


Research network
International cooperation

Como Citar

Adghirni, Z. L., & Pereira, F. H. (2011). The Journalism Studies Network (REJ) experience: a French-language experiment in collaborative research. Brazilian Journalism Research, 7(2), 25–42.


This article discusses the limitations and potentialities of journalism research utilizing the international networking model. It presents the experience of the Journalism Studies Network (REJ in the French/Portuguese acronym), a French-language research experiment, founded in 1999 and made up of 33 researchers linked to universities in Germany, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Mexico and on Reunion Island. The report shows that despite the existing difficulties, the REJ takes the form of a place with relative autonomy in proposing objectives and methodologies for the study of journalism, which is reflected in the diversity of approaches and research interests developed within the Network. It also permits a more frank and level debate between researchers who occupy different positions in their careers. Coherence is also observed in the approaches adopted inside the REJ, which assures the continuity of the research programs developed.

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