Journalistic activity on mobile platforms: a study on autochthonous products and changes to the journalist’s professional profile


Journalistic convergence
Mobile journalism
Autochthonous products
Journalists Statute

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Barbosa, S., Silva, F. F. da, Nogueira, L., & Almeida, Y. (2013). Journalistic activity on mobile platforms: a study on autochthonous products and changes to the journalist’s professional profile. Brazilian Journalism Research, 9(2), 10–29.


This article is centred on a study of the empirical and theoretical-conceptual nature of autochthonous (original) products for tablets, with a horizontal multiplatform logic, integrating the web, tablets, smartphones and PDF and page flip versions of printed editions in a dynamic, multimedia continuum launched as part of journalistic organizations’ strategies in compliance with journalistic convergence processes. The methodology includes a qualitative, empirical analysis of actual products (O Globo a Mais, Estadão Noite and Folha10) conducted in an ad hoc exploratory manner, associated to semi-structured interviews with editors and reporters. The results indicate changes to the profile of the professionals involved with production strategies for tablets, inserting new elements in autochthonous product narratives. A 3.0 transposition was simultaneously identified, as the exclusive content for tablet products is transferred to other platforms at a later date.


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