Journalistic Information: As mediated by Communications Institutions


source media

Como Citar

Moura, D. O., Sant’anna, F., Silva, L. M. da, & Adghirni, Z. L. (2006). Journalistic Information: As mediated by Communications Institutions. Brazilian Journalism Research, 2(1), 91–115.


In this study we present refl ections from the Brazilian section of the research group studying The Hybridization and Creation of Media Genres, comprising researchers from Brazil, France, Canada and the Reunion Islands, involving 25 researchers in 10 diff erent research centers. In the case of Brazil, we are working at the University of Brasilia (UnB) with a specifi c focus on “journalistic information mediated by communications institutions”). The epistemological design of the research is the theory of agenda-setting conceived as a reverse movement, that is, agenda-setting carried out backwards, from outside newsrooms to inside them by means of strategies developed and maintained by communications advisers, by Non-Governmental Organizationss that carry out advocacy with the media and by means of the media and other institutions that produce content for the conventional media at such a high level of specialization that they may be called ‘source media'

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