The Political Scandal as a Narrative Experience
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Media intrigues

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Prior, H. (2015). The Political Scandal as a Narrative Experience. Brazilian Journalism Research, 11(2), 92–109.


The work on the political scandal as a narrative experience seeks to address the relationship between the field of journalism and the narratological categories. We will try to establish a theoretical and conceptual framework of analysis of the media-political scandal, considering the media role in the reconfiguration of the event into intelligible intrigues to the reader. From our point of view, the political scandals are complex narratives that develop in the press, and may be interpreted as "stories" that have a plot, major and minor episodes, characters, and meaning effects inherent to the "plastic work" of the medium in the moment of converting the phenomenon into a media experience. In the final part, we offer the reader a theoretical and conceptual schema of hermeneutic and pragmatic deconstruction of the media scandal, putting in evidence the significant value of scandal and the aesthetics component that it reveals.
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