Interactive Multimedia Reports: Innovation, Production and Advertising Revenue
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Web journalism
Interactive multimedia reporting
Innovation in journalism
Convergent newsrooms

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Ito, L. de L., & Ventura, M. de S. (2016). Interactive Multimedia Reports: Innovation, Production and Advertising Revenue. Brazilian Journalism Research, 12(3), 134–151.


Interactive multimedia reporting is an innovative format in web journalism which has been generating substantial advertising revenue. As of 2013, major media organizations have been investing in this kind of production. Its sophisticated layout and audiovisual and interactive elements have led us to investigate how this production process works. Through in-depth interviews with editors from the Folha Group and Estado Group, we were able to determine that there is a different production process at work here, one conducted by teams of journalists proficient in multiple mediums, working together with other techno-actors. These teams and their work are in turn influenced by factors outside of journalism itself such as the increase in mobile device usage for user consumption, and monitoring specific audience approval ratings for this type of production.
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