CFP Beyond determinism: challenges and opportunities for journalism in a technological ecosystem

Brazilian Journalism Research is pleased to announce a call for papers for the dossier "Beyond determinism: challenges and opportunities for journalism in a technological ecosystem".

This call for papers is part of BJR's 20th anniversary celebrations and features contributions from guest editors José Alberto García-Aviles (Miguel Hernández University, Spain) and Suzana Barbosa (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil).

“High tech” is having a noticeable impact on the development of journalism and innovation in the sector. The use of Artificial Intelligence, algorithms, chatbots, drones, or Augmented Reality (among other technologies) are shaping journalistic coverage and the ways that content is being produced, presented and distributed. The rapid technological change and the subsequent obsession with it often result in a lack of critical perspective and a certain determinism that prioritizes technology as the engine of communication advances. This determinism is problematic because 1) it obscures the fact that technology is always changing journalism; 2) it blinds us to the harmful effects of technological change; and 3) it promotes the forgetting of what remains stable in journalism, despite changes in technological modalities. With this information in mind, this dossier is a compilation of original studies and research on these issues from a critical perspective.


Important Dates:
Article submission: until September 05, 2024.
Articles accepted: until March 30, 2025.
Edition published: until August 31, 2025.


Access the full CFP:

Beyond determinism: challenges and opportunities for journalism in a technological ecosystem (ENG)

Além do determinismo: desafios e oportunidades para o jornalismo em um ecossistema tecnificado (PT)

Más allá del determinismo: retos y oportunidades para el periodismo en un ecosistema tecnificado (ESP)

Au-delà du déterminisme : défis et opportunités pour le journalisme dans un écosystème numérisé (FRA)